Lionel 6-58263 Breast Cancer Awareness boxcar (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box)

Lionel 6-58263 Breast Cancer Awareness boxcar (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box)

Sale Price:$46.00 Original Price:$82.00

This car was developed by the members of the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club to promote Breast Cancer Awareness. In 2007, Wisconsin & Southern created a car promoting the strides that have been made against cancer, and it rode the area rails. No expense was spared in making this prototype car special. It was completely sandblasted, and an epoxy primer coat was applied before the durable urethane color coat. The roof was also treated with a urethane silver coat to help prevent rust from bleeding down the sides.

Our car is manufactured by Lionel LLC, based on their PS-1 boxcar. It features sprung metal trucks with operating couplers, hidden uncoupling tabs, metal brake wheel, separately applied metal underframe details, opening doors, light gray roof, pink car body color similar to the Lionel Girls set hopper, and distinctive Milwaukee Road markings to continue the fallen flags series/theme. You’ll receive a new factory-sealed unit as illustrated in the last photo. Only a few left! Order today!

Minimum 0-31 curve
Length is approximately 11 1/4”
Lionel # 6-58263
O Scale

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Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club 6-52551 “Big M” boxcar ***SOLD OUT***

Sale Price:$35.00 Original Price:$66.00
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Milwaukee Road Lionel 6-52572 Reiman Aquarium Car (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box)

Sale Price:$63.00 Original Price:$87.00
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Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club 6-58563 "Wagon Top" Round-Roof Car (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box)

Sale Price:$46.00 Original Price:$77.00
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Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club 6-52458 & 6-52466 Stock Car Set (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box)

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6-52387 Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club Flatcar with Semi hitch and chocks (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box) SOLD OUT!
