Lionel 6-52387 flatcar plus two Milwaukee Road Motor Max pickup trucks (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box) SOLD OUT!

Lionel 6-52387 flatcar plus two Milwaukee Road Motor Max pickup trucks (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box) SOLD OUT!


This car was originally developed and sold by the members of the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club in 2006. Our car was manufactured by Lionel LLC, based on a Milwaukee Road Historical Society photo of an abandoned example pictured on a siding. The prototype may have been an example of an early trailer train rolling stock.

Our model features die-cast sprung metal trucks with operating couplers. The gray flatcar carries number 194706 and includes a black semi-trailer hitch and wheel chocks. You can add your own Lionel semi-trailer if you like. This item does not include a semi-tractor or trailer. However, in this package, we are shipping these Lionel flatcars with two separate factory-boxed 1:43 Motor Max brand Plymouth pickup trucks as seen in our photos. We popped off the trailer hitch and mounted the two pickups on the flatcar for the photos. The MLRRC had those trucks specially decorated with Milwaukee Road insignia, they are not Lionel items. Both the flatcar and the pickups are also available here separately. We only have a few of these flatcars left. Don't miss out. Buy today!

Length approximately 10” not including the couplers
Car Lionel # 6-52387
Motor Max trucks with custom decorations

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Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club 6-52551 “Big M” boxcar ***SOLD OUT***

Sale Price:$35.00 Original Price:$66.00
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Milwaukee Lionel® Railroad Club’s 27th Club Car - The Milwaukee Road/Delafield Brewhaus Woodside Beer Reefer SOLD OUT!

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Milwaukee Road Lionel 6-52572 Reiman Aquarium Car (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box)

Sale Price:$63.00 Original Price:$87.00
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6-52387 Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club Flatcar with Semi hitch and chocks (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box) SOLD OUT!

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Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club 6-52458 & 6-52466 Stock Car Set (Limited-edition. Factory-sealed box)
