MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
Open to the Public.
Club hours of operation are:
Fridays 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM year-round (except most holidays).
Saturday & Sunday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM October through April only
The first Wednesday of most months 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
(except most holidays).
Call during operating hours to confirm.
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
Members - bring a train you need serviced or repaired and get help and guidance from the experts as you learn to work on it yourself.
Members - bring a train you need serviced or repaired and get help and guidance from the experts as you learn to work on it yourself.
MLRRC Toy Train Show and Sale. Please join us for this event. There will be hundreds of train-related items available for purchase. Open to the public. Club members can gain access early beginning at 6:30 AM. Public access begins at 8 AM and runs until noon. Members admitted for free. Non-member admission is $4.00 per person over 12 years old. After your Train Sale visit head over to the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club for a train show. THIS MONTH’S SHOW THEME IS TBD. The club will be open from opens at 10 AM and will remain open until 5PM on Train Show and Sale days and is open to the public.
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
Members stop by the Mitchell Park Domes and help set up our display for the upcoming weekend event. Loadup at club at 8AM. Setup at the Domes beginning at 10AM. 4X8 kids layout, Accessory Layout, Large Portable.
Members stop by the Mitchell Park Domes and participate in our weekend-long display. We will have the kids’ and accessory layouts in operation.
Members stop by the Mitchell Park Domes and participate in our weekend-long display. We will have the kids’ and accessory layouts in operation. Unload Accessory Layout afterward back at the club.
MLRRC members join us as we display the Kids’ and Accessory layouts in Madison, Wisconsin. Setup begins at 8:00 AM, we’ll leave the club at 5:45 AM.
MLRRC members join us as we display the Kids’ and Accessory layouts in Madison, Wisconsin. Tear down begins at 4:00PM.
Members - bring a train you need serviced or repaired and get help and guidance from the experts as you learn to work on it yourself.
MLRRC Toy Train Show and Sale. Please join us for this event. There will be hundreds of train-related items available for purchase. Open to the public. Club members can gain access early beginning at 6:30 AM. Public access begins at 8 AM and runs until noon. Members admitted for free. Non-member admission is $4.00 per person over 12 years old. After your Train Sale visit head over to the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club for a train show. THIS MONTH’S SHOW THEME IS TBD. The club will be open from opens at 10 AM and will remain open until 5PM on Train Show and Sale days and is open to the public.
The club is offering the Basic Train Operation course today at 1 PM. MLRRC members - this is your chance to learn the basics about conventional train operation on most of the upper level, dog bone, and many sections of the main layout. Don’t miss out!
MLRRC members join us as we display our Kids’ and Large Portable layouts at his event. Setup 6-9AM. Show 9AM-4PM.
MLRRC members join us as we display our Kids’ and Large Portable layouts at his event. Show 10AM-4PM. Teardown immediately after.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after.
MLRRC Toy Train Show and Sale. Please join us for this event. There will be hundreds of train-related items available for purchase. Open to the public. Club members can gain access early beginning at 6:30 AM. Public access begins at 8 AM and runs until noon. Members admitted for free. Non-member admission is $4.00 per person over 12 years old. After your Train Sale visit head over to the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club for a train show. THIS MONTH’S SHOW THEME IS TBD. The club will be open from opens at 10 AM and will remain open until 5PM on Train Show and Sale days and is open to the public.
MLRRC members, join us for track cleaning day. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
Join us at the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club Open House! See the club operating in its full glory with all the layouts operating. We also have railroad-related items for sale and a large display of antique toy trains. This is a two-day event this weekend. Donation is $2 per person each day. Click the headline to read more.
Join us at the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club Open House! See the club operating in its full glory with all the layouts operating. We also have railroad-related items for sale and a large display of antique toy trains. This is a two-day event this weekend. Donation is $2 per person each day. Click the headline to read more.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after. NO BUSINESS MEETING IN FEBRUARY.
Members can attend this advanced training session and learn about operating the middle (2ND) level of the main layout, some advanced operating procedures, and the various Command (remote) operation methods.
Carpool to Stevens Point Arctic Run - details TBA.
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
Members - bring a train you need serviced or repaired and get help and guidance from the experts as you learn to work on it yourself.
The club is offering the Basic Train Operation course today at 1 PM. MLRRC members - this is your chance to learn the basics about conventional train operation on most of the upper level, dog bone, and many sections of the main layout. Don’t miss out!
The MLRRC will have it’s Kids’ portable layout on display at the Butler Library. Setup at 10AM. Teardown runs from 3PM to 4PM.
MLRRC Toy Train Show and Sale. Please join us for this event. There will be hundreds of train-related items available for purchase. Open to the public. Club members can gain access early beginning at 6:30 AM. Public access begins at 8 AM and runs until noon. Members admitted for free. Non-member admission is $4.00 per person over 12 years old. After your Train Sale visit head over to the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club for a train show. THIS MONTH’S SHOW THEME IS TBD. The club will be open from opens at 10 AM and will remain open until 5PM on Train Show and Sale days and is open to the public.
Join us at the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club Open House! See the club operating in its full glory with all the layouts operating. We also have railroad-related items for sale and a large display of antique toy trains. This is a two-day event this weekend. Donation is $2 per person each day. Click the headline to read more.
Join us at the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club Open House! See the club operating in its full glory with all the layouts operating. We also have railroad-related items for sale and a large display of antique toy trains. This is a two-day event this weekend. Donation is $2 per person each day. Click the headline to read more.
All MLRRC members - we need your help taking down our display at the the Baird Center in Milwaukee. If you can spare some time, please stop by and help. Teardown begins at the conclusion of the Sunday Trainfest Event.
The MLRRC will have a large display featuring several toy train layouts with multiple trains operating. We are able to enter at 8:00AM, the event opens to the public at 9:00AM. Members you need to sign up in advance to be sure to have an operating time available on our layouts.
The MLRRC will be open on Saturday night after Trainfest for members and guests of the club. This is always and enjoyable time to get together. Plan to attend. Pizza will be served.
The MLRRC will have a large display featuring several toy train layouts with multiple trains operating. We are able to enter at 8:00AM, the event opens to the public at 9:00AM. Members you need to sign up in advance to be sure to have an operating time available on our layouts.
All MLRRC members - we need your help setting up our display at the Baird Center in Milwaukee. If you can spare some time please stop by and help. You can meet us at the club at 10 AM or at the Baird Center at noon.
All MLRRC members - we need your help packing the trailers for transportation to the Baird Center in Milwaukee. If you can spare some time, please stop by and help. Packing times may vary. You might want to call ahead for specifics.
MLRRC Toy Train Show and Sale. Please join us for this event. There will be hundreds of train-related items available for purchase. Open to the public. Club members can gain access early beginning at 6:30 AM. Public access begins at 8 AM and runs until noon. Members admitted for free. Non-member admission is $4.00 per person over 12 years old. After your Train Sale visit head over to the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club for a train show. THIS MONTH’S SHOW THEME IS TBD. The club will be open from opens at 10 AM and will remain open until 5PM on Train Show and Sale days and is open to the public.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after.
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
MLRRC Toy Train Show and Sale. Please join us for this event. There will be hundreds of train-related items available for purchase. Open to the public. Club members can gain access early beginning at 6:30 AM. Public access begins at 8 AM and runs until noon. Members admitted for free. Non-member admission is $4.00 per person over 12 years old. After your Train Sale visit head over to the Milwaukee Lionel Railroad Club for a train show. THIS MONTH’S SHOW THEME IS TBD. The club will be open from opens at 10 AM and will remain open until 5PM on Train Show and Sale days and is open to the public.
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
MLRRC members, join us for track repair and maintenance. Help keep the track looking and operating at its best and the trains running on time (so to speak).
The club is open for a running session today.