MLRRC Business Meeting
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after.
Open to the Public.
Club hours of operation are:
Fridays 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM year-round (except most holidays).
Saturday & Sunday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM October through April only
The first Wednesday of most months 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
(except most holidays).
Call during operating hours to confirm.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after. NO BUSINESS MEETING IN FEBRUARY.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Pizza will be served after.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
There will be no February 2024 MLRRC business meeting. Enjoy the Super Bowl.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Note: The meeting will begin after the Packers game.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. BOARD ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
MLRRC members, join us for our summer picnic followed by our only business meeting until September. More details to follow.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members please join us for our business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom. Free pizza for attendees.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members, please join us for the business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members please join us for the first business meeting of the fall either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members please join us for the April business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members please join us for the March business meeting either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All members please join us for the first business meeting of the year either in person at the club or by Zoom.
All MLRRC members—plan to attend. You can run trains after the meeting until 9 PM. Nominations for open board seats will be entertained and board members will be elected. You can join by Zoom or attend in person.
All MLRRC members—plan to attend. You can run trains after the meeting until 9 PM. Nominations for open board seats will be entertained. You can join by Zoom or attend in person.
All MLRRC members—plan to attend. You can run trains after the meeting until 9 PM. Nominations for open board seats will be entertained. You can join by Zoom or attend in person.
All MLRRC members—plan to attend. You can run trains after the meeting until 9 PM. This is the first business meeting of the Fall season. You can join by Zoom or attend in person.
All MLRRC members—plan to attend. Pizza served, cost $5.00. You can run trains after the meeting until 9 PM.
All MLRRC members—plan to attend. Pizza served, cost $5.00. You can run trains after the meeting until 9 PM.