MLRRC Round Robin 2022 - Milwaukee South & "Souther"
MLRRC members, join us as we tour members’ home layouts. We will be heading south for this tour. More info, including times, will be provided as it becomes available.
Open to the Public.
Club hours of operation are:
Fridays 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM year-round (except most holidays).
Saturday & Sunday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM October through April only
The first Wednesday of most months 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
(except most holidays).
Call during operating hours to confirm.
MLRRC members, join us as we tour members’ home layouts. We will be heading south for this tour. More info, including times, will be provided as it becomes available.
MLRRC members, join us as we tour four members’ layouts. The Packers will wallop the Lions tomorrow night so your schedule is clear to join us on this exciting tour. You can download a copy of the tour schedule here.
CANCELLED. Details TBA. The Packers, with the best defense in the NFL, obliterated the Bears in the season opener last Thursday at the Mistake By The Lake (should have been Lambeau Field) so the day is clear to tour member layouts.