MLRRC history timeline
1947 - The club forms on January 31st and the first layout is begun in the basement of the founder Jerry Brettschneider’s parents’ home.
1949 - Joshua Lionel Cowen grants permission for the group to call itself The LIONEL® RAILROAD CLUB
1958 - Lionel® Railroad Club basement layout opens to the general public
1965 - The club begins activities with the Society of Model Engineers at MSOE
1971 - The club participates in the first Milwaukee area "Trainfest" show sponsored by the local division of the National Model Railroad Association.
1972 Organizes first shopping center-based model railroad show at Southgate Mall.
1975 The cub move's from founder's home to rented quarters at 7933 W. Burleigh St
1976 The Lionel Railroad Club, Inc. incorporates in Wisconsin as a "not-for-profit" educational organization.
1977 Holds first "Round Robin" tour of member's home layouts.
1982 Club President organizes "Association of Model Railroad Clubs" (A.M.R.C) to promote and coordinate local model train shows.
1984 Club moves from Burleigh Street to larger space at 10236 West Fond du Lac Avenue. Constructs and scenics a large layout for simultaneous operation of five trains.
1996 First participation in local public television's annual fund drives.
1997 First participation in local museum and zoo holiday exhibits.
1998 Club receives 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for all donations.
2002 Club purchases and moves to a permanent location in New Berlin, Wisconsin.
2007 Layout construction continues in new quarters with three large layouts, including a standard gauge loop and Hellgate Bridge. The design enables the operation of 17 trains at once on the permanent layouts. The club celebrates its' 60th Anniversary with various events throughout the year.
2009 Acquired 500+ piece vintage toy train collection.
2017 The club celebrates its 70th anniversary and replaces its old portable layout with a new modular system that allows four trains to run at once.
2019 The MLRRC celebrates the 150th anniversary of the driving of the golden spike at Promontory Point, Utah completing the trans-continental railroad in 1869.
2021 MLRRC founder Jerry Brettschneider passes on July 3rd.
2022 On January 29th the MLRRC celebrated its 75th Anniversary. It is the world’s oldest Lionel club.